Originally Posted by Laos101
at the average speed of 500 kbps for data, at 60 gigs, that's a little over 33 hours of data usage, which is only about an hour or so a day of total usage
Duty cycle?
If you can spend 1 full hour a day straight up pulling data down...the other guy is right, you need a hobby...even if you use the phone a LOT over the course of the day, how many files do you really download? Facebook doesn't use much data, browsing forums doesn't either...shit even listening to pandora or other internet radio doesn't really kill it that much...I have all my stuff set to update every hour (facebook, weather, and so on)...and I don't use anywhere CLOSE to 60 gigs of data a month...I guess if I were tethering my home PC, and not paying for a cable modem I might come close to that, but that'd just be silly...(and I can get the kids in the apartments downstairs and upstairs to pay for using my cable modem too...more than covers my bill...).
Thats similar to saying "my car makes all 400 horsepower for an average of an hour a day"...no it doesn't...I drive 150 miles a day, and I go bananas with my gas pedal as often as I can...and I bet I still spend MAYBE 45 seconds a day at full throttle...