GAME: Let's Guess Next Version Android Name
Let's try to guess the next name for Android version after Gingerbread
We all know they like to use deserts/pastries names
1.5 Cupcake
1.6 Donut
2.0/2.1 Eclair
2.2 Froyo
2.6 Gingerbread
H = Honey Bun
One guess per reply please! winner gets bragging rights
Here are some guesses in this thread
Elephant007 = Honey Bun
gten = Crème brûlée
CarlaDarla = Honeycomb
zero = Hostess HoHos
D\/8 = Halvah
Fat Tony = Parfait
Still_Waters_43 = Humus
Last edited by elephant007; 07-19-2010 at 08:51 AM.