Originally Posted by bteljuice
Because I like to just press the icon, and directly type my text. Then later on add my recipients depending on text content
Thank you anyways for the help,
Any idea on how to create a link to Soft reset?
If you are curious, I am doing all those shortcuts for my iPhoneToday. You gotta try that out, It is amazing.So snappy,so smooth and AMAZING RAM. After two days of use and Clean Ram Stage 3, getting Free ram in the 95+ mb
I saw the forum exchange between you guys about iPhoneToday and I decided to try it. Man, I LIKE IT!!! It's amazing to have nearly 100MB ram free for apps instead of about 30 or so that CHT Diniki gives me. And it's fast. Only thing I've noticed is I have had it hang on me twice today and lock up the phone.. you getting that at all?