Originally Posted by amw1972
I don't have 4g access yet...so I'll have to live without...
Looking forward to CM6 for the EVO...more importantly... An AOSP 2.2 ROM (vanilla) with EVERYTHING working (except 4g)
I've had a couple of very nice 2.2 ROMs while they're smooth, fast, and stable...I'd like to be able to use that 8mp camera for quick shots of the kids...nandroid-ing back and forth is alright when you prep for photo taking...but spur of the moment doesn't quick work like that.
was checking Cyanogen Mod's site...and seems that we're still a few days away from seeing a test build...
The same here, have kids and love taking pics so the cam is a necessity. So to have froyo with the cams working will work for me, and it wont be long before he works out the 4g prob.