I got "Phone Fatal" oooodles of times, and when that happened, it would not give me any kind of audio or vibrate or flash notification that the phone had crashed, and so I was left with a bricked phone until I saw it and soft reset ....this resulted in tons of missed calls and late responses to email and sms. When I dialed my voicemail and discovered six missed voicemails dating as far back as a month, and noticed I never got a single voicemail notification, I *IMMEDIATELY* replaced the phone, switched it to international GSM mode, and gave it to my little brothers and sister to monkey with... this phone was nothing but hell....
only one plus....the speaker set was awesome and made Dr. Sbaitso sound beautiful!
http://my.navizon.com/Webapps/UserAd...e=5B5B5C5D5A5B <-- Navizon Peer-to-Peer Navigation. Get paid to hunt for wifi access points, and cell towers, and get free GPS mapping! $20 here $20 there via PayPal... in 2-4 weeks you can make $20 at the VERY LEAST... I did