Originally Posted by Ph33zy
I always do task29 (and stock flash dance before task29 came out). No programs installed when I did my testing on both; Only activesync and email setup. I actually have a crapload installed on Lead's right now with no SOD. It's just weird that it happens...
On all of MM's ROM (disclaimer: on my phone with initial and latest HSPL), manila.exe would cause 100% cpu usage when outlook is checking email. On Lead's, it would only use 3% at most. I also flashed to various radios and MM's latest ROMs would still cause the 100% usage.
Same here, I always use the same programs, and I was having SOD with every rom until I upgraded to the 2.0 HSPL.
Before that I changed my radio as requested by the OP however I was still getting SOD, so if you ask me it is the HSPL.