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Old 07-14-2010, 06:06 PM
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Re: buying a DroidX tomorrow

I can't wait to hear what you think about the Droid X.

I have been thinking about getting an Android the last couple days (not to replace my Rhodium, but as a second phone).

I could never replace my Rhodium, I love this little guy to death. It has everthing I have ever wanted out of a phone.

Just not sure if I am gonna go to WP7 when its time (as of right now, yes I am. However, only time will tell). So, I have been lookin at my other option(s), which is basically Android (Iphone can S my D). There is always Symbian (lol), but I don't want that.

I am currently just praying that M$ don't F up 7 (to bad).
Phone: hTc Evo 4g LTE
HBoot: 1.12.2222 (S-Off)
ROM: MeanROM v6.0 (OC @ 1.72 GHz)
Kernel: #Mean-v0.5.1728
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