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Old 07-14-2010, 05:14 PM
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Re: Prize fight Iphone 4 vs htc EVO

Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post

I agree, actually, Android needs to standardize on one size and stick to it and have the connections located at one place so that their can be compatible accessories for it. I think a good size for screens should be about 3.7. If you go any bigger the phone becomes too large (especially for females) and it kills the battery.

You must be a lucky person not to have issues with HTC. Check out the TP1/TP2 forums and read all the complains. Its not just the bad quality they have, its the outdated hardware they use. Like the jump from TP1 to TP2, they pretty much used all the same internals (processor, ram, etc) and just slapped on a bigger screen, keyboard and removed the flash. A whole year later and that's the best they can do is put a bigger screen? What a ripoff. They should've put a snapdragon but they were too cheap and milked its customers. Thats when I quit and went to iphone, I wasn't gonna let them play me like that and give me outdated junk.
I actually really like the 4.3" screen and find it to be about the "perfect" size screen for me, though I don't think I could go much bigger. When you overlay an EVO and an iPhone the dimensions are surprisingly close considering the much larger screen of the EVO.

Good point, I didn't consider factors outside of build quality, though I do believe the TP2 had a slightly different processor (supposedly better for video playback or something along those lines).
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