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Old 02-14-2008, 01:15 PM
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First, major props to kmartburrito for providing this.

I read this entire thread (only took about 3 hours), took some notes, and upgraded my phone. I originally had 2.14 and the BT audio sucked. 2.17 fixed that problem but of course no GPS.

My experience upgrading to 3.16 was painless and I didn't have any trouble whatsoever. No failures, no lockups -- nothing. I didn't need and relockers because everything was stock. I did not have to re-enter any MSN/MSID/ESN/etc.

It does seem a little sluggish but not really much more so than 2.17 (2.14 did seem faster, if memory serves). The GPS works great. I don't have to wait very long for a fix, even in my house.

Based on my experience, I recommend trying this ROM if you are at all curious. Aforementioned posts state that it's pretty hard to really brick the phone and there are ways out of it.