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Old 07-14-2010, 04:34 PM
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Re: Prize fight Iphone 4 vs htc EVO

Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post
I agree, I actually like the EVO and was about to pull the trigger on it, but the accessories, bad HTC quality, and bad Sprint service in my area turned me off on it.

Also, I've become highly biased against HTC and do not recommend them any longer, I've had over 5 HTC phones in the past and they all seem to have quality issues at one time or another. HTC needs to get their act straight, to keep putting out bad junk is not gonna cut it any longer and I hope Google moves away from that crappy company.

I've seen you mention this a few times though I haven't had the same experience as you; bad luck I guess. I have had a Mogul, Touch, Touch Pro, Diamond, Touch Pro 2, and now the EVO. I have been impressed with the build quality on all of these devices, even my TP did not have the keyboard issues that many reported.

Back to the accessories thing, I hope that HTC realizes they have a solid form factor in the EVO and in future renditions of the device keep this form factor the same for compatibility reasons. I think HTC needs to minimize the number of devices they make. For instance, as far as touch screen phones how about making the EVO and Incredible and a hardware keyboard sporting version of each? Perhaps then more third party manufactures would increase production of accessories for these phones. Anyhow, just a thought.

Originally Posted by NIKKG View Post
Well here is the thing, the iphone 4 also has the best battery life of any smartphone I've used. Mines easily last early morning till midnight with heavy 3G use. On normal use I can go a couple of days easily. I even ordered a 1900mah rechargeable external battery for long trips to carry if I need it for 7 bucks from ebay.
I have heard and seen tremendous battery life out of this thing. Though I think my experience with Blackberry takes the cake in the battery life comparison. My old pearl would last for days and days without a charge and heavy use. Though without the bells and whistles of more versatile OSes such as Android and iOS.
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