Originally Posted by winmonewbie
Yes that's possible. This file is very similar to the one whitslack from XDA created and to run HIS file you had to have Nand unlocked.
You WANT full root access because even if you never delve into the depths of the ROM, the ROMS these days are written for full access.
It's very easy. You want to just run Toast Part II.
Dunno how you rooted originally but check FastRX8's thread and start with Section 2 Version 2 Using the PC. *EDIT-If that won't work you may need to start the root process over like cuban4lf said*
Dont freak-it involves another PC36IMG file but THAT one should work for you if you already did Toast 1. Gotta tap out now. Good luck.
First, .zip.zip will never work. Second are you Nand unlocked ("fully" rooted)? If not this post is for you too.
well, i still haven't been able to flash and i'm about ready to throw this phone across the room.
trying to do a full root and i keep running into the same problems as before because it won't load any PC36IMG file, as in the ones you need to do a full root of the phone. trying to use the 3 click method and keep having the same problem as OMJ's file (yes i deleted his file off of my sd card.)
any ideas or suggestions from anyone? this is really frustrating.
basically, it just won't load or see correctly the PC36IMG file. it tries to load it but it appears like it doesn't see it correctly for some reason. i have the same problem even loading the file on a blank card