Originally Posted by zero157h7
This thread has just gotten too massive for me to browse the whole thing. I had an issue with htc home customizer version 8 locking my unit up, and I had to do a hard reset to get everything back to normal. I did this twice, and that was the only thing I could come up with. Anyone else have this problem?
I was having trouble with it not working correctly. I uninstalled it all [both plugin and program], installed .net frameworks FIRST, then home plugin, then home customizer v. 1 beta 5 and it works great now. I had trouble with v 8 and had trouble without installing.net frameworks.
Under other files you'll find .net frameworks.
Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant
Jawbreaker, do you have the link for performance and battery tweaks? I haven't done a thing to mine yet... curious how much more juice I could suck out of it.
That should have the link to batteryandperformance.cab It basically does the glyph cacheing for you, as well as a few battery tweaks like turning off beam rec. etc. I always run it right after I update/hard reset so I don't have to do those edits myself.
I will say, I run an extended battery with mine, but my phone has gotten so much better battery life with this cab plus this 5046. I was at 20% last night without EVER getting a low battery notification for almost 3 hours. Thats rare!