Originally Posted by IMPAQT
Don't go on his twitter page to ask him about when hes going to update the CDMA roms. Hes already stated he is uploading them, so patience is a virtue. Once they are all uploaded he will update this thread accordingly. ALSO! Do NOT! post any links or sites to any of his roms unless they are official links that he has posted for downloading of his software. If you post any 3rd party sites with his roms, he will discontinue the CDMA development altogether. If you need a copy, let me know and if i am online i will send it to u.
I'd like to think I'm not THAT draconic !!

Anyway, I dont mind you guys posting older ROMs.. I just dont like people mirroring my current ROMs RIGHT after I post them

I just updated the Raph ROMs and from the feedback I received they're flawless. So, time to update you guys as well with these builds...