Originally Posted by Maxx134
your doin great job with latest rom having latest build and sense =D>
Ya I can confirm getting the MMS to RECIEVE...
It "receives" nicely with those settings on that linked thread,
only you have to EDIT THE EXISTING MMS SERVER, not create new one as if may still use the "SampleMMSC" settings, so edit that one.
It needs more work as nobody got it to send yet.
To send MMS I just use a third party app (sMMs)
I have not been able to send MMS messages (Pictures) but I have been able to send/receive regular text messages. I checked the MMS server and it is using SPRINT as the default server and
http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mms as the server address. This looks OK since I have a sprint phone.
UPDATE: I asked someone to send me picturemail and I got the msg but could not download the picture. The error msg said "Unable to download msg from ......."