why we bashing Samsung?? the 'A series' models several years back: a900
and the a940
sure not smartphones, but these devices could barely stay in stock with sprint.. the a940 had months were it was backordered it sold so well.. Samsung brought multi-angle cameras, little bit better media player, real storage card access(could actually go find your DL'd file and install it-not the case on most dumbphones)..
so Samsung isnt all bad, maybe the missed the bar a few times on smartphones, but that just means their due... and SPRINT wouldve picked the instinct, so blame them if its such a crappy phone, afterall SPRINT picked it for their flagship, samsung didnt force their hands..
as for arguing people, get over it.. not ONE of you has actual pertinent info on the EPIC.. NOONE does.. until the device drops, noone has a clue if its gonna be a good phopne or not...
there were alot of doubters on the Evo too.. "i cant wait till i see everyone complaing" you know what, people said the same about the TP1 over the diamond-tp1 turned out dope(aside from physical flaws-but hey winMO6.5 was completed 6months b4 MS did it, and with a TP1).. haters bagged on the TP2 over the Tp1(more "cant wait to see complainers" shit) and TP2 is dope also...
now you guys move onto the EPIC-"watch it suck".. do you guys get off on being so negative about every device launch, or is it you arent eligible for an upgrade or cant afford it, so the device just has to suck so you dont feel sorry for yourself when u dont have one and the masses do..
the EPIC will be good, im sure, sprint knows after the EVO they have a new "standard" to live upto.. they know the masses will tear them apart if its not upto the EVOs level..especially if they do tack on a $10 cool fee on the Epic as well...
Epic will serve who it needs to, maybe its not for everyone... plenty of people thought the Instincts were just fine... they just obviously werent hackers..
Epic can and will be whatever someone wants to make it.. it Android, highly customizable.. dont like something, change it..
wanna gripe all day about cell phones not meeting "your standards", then i suggest you go to college and learn how to make cell phones yourself, seems to be the only way some of you would be happy!