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Old 07-13-2010, 02:12 AM
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Re: |IMAGIO|¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.-* Energy *|Jul 8| 21908|23569 -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯ MaxSense

I Have been downloading these ROM's since the 16 May ROM and usually go back and forth between the flat 2.5 ROM and the Cookie ROM respectively. And these are the first ROM's I have flashed to. If only I knew it was this easy a few years ago... Anyways, I currently downloaded the 10 Jul 21908 Cookie ROM.

I have 2 possibly rediculous questions (as I am a firefighter/emt and I run into burning buildings or up to a car crash while everyone else is running away from it - so I have never claimed to be amung the most intelligent men) :

1) I have noticed that once in a while the Cookie ROM's are CFC compressed. I prefer that, as it seems to help me have the most available program memory (possibly referred to as RAM?). And when it is not CFC compressed, I tend to use the flat 2.5 and install the lastest CHT and editor, because the regular 2.5 ROM's are CFC compressed by default if I am not mistaken. Is there any way to manually CFC compress the Cookie ROM? Or any kind of compression?

2) I know it is recomended go use UC and/or Sashimi. But again, I'm still a little Sashimi-retarted still. So until I am able to familiarize myself with it enough, I use SKTools (latest version) and it allows me to delete invalid registry entries/values. The previous ROM's (16 May - 11 Jun) allowed me to backup my device. Ever since the 29 Jun ROM, whenever I make a backup, it (SKTools) makes a folder on my storage card something similar to "$$$DeleteThis" and makes an ".exe" file AND a ".head" file. And neither one restores the backup. I have even tried executing both files and soft reset to no avail. And it does not do that on 16 May - 11 Jun ROM's. And it makes perfectly good backups on those particular ROM's. Is there a fix to that? Or any suggestions?

Thank you in advance for your help and time.

And NRGZ28 - keep up the outstanding work. HOOAH? To make these incredible ROM's without actually having an Imagio in front of you is just out-f#@%ing-standing in my book, brother.
Avoid unwanted pregnancies - AIM FOR THE CHIN!!!

Last edited by firefighterguy; 07-13-2010 at 09:25 AM.
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