Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy
So if I'm on the first OMJ rom then i need to flash Rom one for 1.7? I never did any OTA updates as I was waiting for OMJ to work all the kinks out.
ROM 1 is for you then.
Originally Posted by johntiger
So what's new in the is new ROM. After all of this I'm kind of hesitant on switching now.After all I've gotten 4G working, all my programs are there. I can watch videos with no problems. What could be the benefit of going to 1.7?
OMJ included a few new apps but the MAIN reason for creating 1.7 was to properly update us to the new OTA software, radio and wimax.
If you dont have the latest 1.47 software or you are on 1.6 without the radio and wimax then ROM 1 is for you.
If you followed whitslacks method for getting the OTA software, radio and wimax then ROM 2 is for you but OMJ himself said it was not a significant update.
anfjc06 got it.