Originally Posted by gmore
Its the 'map search' tab thats in the manila 2D ROM itself(in between weather and programs) - not an added cab - no option or GPS setting that I can find to update or tweak. I'll give the bing one a try as an added option.
I'm using only cabs posted on the 1st page of this thread (still too much of a noob to stray yet) - other issues... YouTube gets a kp5.exe error and WallStreet won't load.
Not complaining - I'm happy, just thought you'd want to know and if there's a fix on my end, I'd love to know.
Thanks again.
oohh the maps on manila 2d? no unfortunately i do not know of a fix. Since manila 2d was never reeeally meant for the treo pro some things might not be fully functional (it took some work for htc album and audio manager to function)
for youtube and wallstreet use attached .cabs