Originally Posted by CoryNat
Sorry, I thought it was your post but it was not. #264 in this thread.
I always just flashed rom to rom and if something acted up, I went back to stock and then to custom. I thought I would give the task29 a try, so I downloaded it from the aforementioned post, popped the sd card out, ran the updater on the PC with the phone connected and flashed the phone with the task29. Then I popped the SD card back in and flashed lead's rom from the SD.
I did not add anything in when I task29'd it. Just ran it. Now I am wondering if I was suppose to throw something in there. Seems like it worked fine "as is".
did you have 2 pull battery an put in bootloader after task an b4 custom rom?
it was prolly already packed w/ something, the 1 you downloaded. but i would prolly go over 2 the task29 thread in cdma upgrades an download 1 from there as long as it says what its packed w/ so you know and arent 'flying blind'.
i personally like the old black bootsplash, the new white htc is 2 bright 4 a bootup