Originally Posted by wiinet
thanks for the reply.
I tried the kitchen, its great, but there are stuff in there for 'sys' and some other stuff that's in there that confuses me. i dont know what they are for, and what is needed and what can be taken out. i do all the cooking on a netbook XD so its really slow.
besides, i was trying to see is there anyone that made a rom with nothing special, but the ability to call and surf under sprint network. XD
all the cooked roms are nice, but the fact that i cant delete them out by uninstall is quite troublesome.
I know where you're coming from there, it seems pretty overwhelming, but in essence, most of the options available are actually for advanced users. Just find a good, premade ERV file, and check or uncheck things with legible names that seem handy or a pain. If you wanna swing on by the OMJ kitchen thread, me and Oliver are working with some ERV files tomorrow and this afternoon, if you wanna borrow one of the thread attachments.
- 2 Bunny