07-12-2010, 06:25 PM
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Re: SO glad I went with WM
Originally Posted by coolwhip1220
I have both the TP2 and the Evo, and flashing roms on the Evo is much, much simpler. You don't have to change the name of the file to load it, there's no special buttons to hold, and best of all YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE THE GOD DAMN BATTERY COVER OFF TO RESTART INTO BOOTLOADER!!!
In fact, most of the custom roms for the evo have a rom updater program installed, so all you do is check for new updates, if there is one, you can install it with the click of one button, all without a PC. I'm running DamageControl 3.2.3, and love it.
My other huge plus is that there is a marketplace of value on the Android systems. And, if I want to find something that's not in the marketplace, I can search for it on the web, just like my TP2. But I can click the link for the DL much easier on the evo, w/o pulling out my stylus.
I loved the TP2, and still do, but I love the Evo more. It's like saying I love money, but I love more money more.
a little bit of Android-euphoria in this post. i have never had to pull out my stylus to do something and this was on both the stock Sprint 6.5 ROM and mightyROM FF both with and without sense.