Re: Root new OTA with 4 clicks!
Step 0 (Backup all apps / data)
Step 1 (about 5 minutes including the reset, seemed to hang but then went through)
Step 2 (about 1 minute could not start daemon, retried successfully)
Step 3 (about 5 mins (website is case sensitive)
Step 4 (about 10 minutes as it runs the load)
Step 5 (about 10 minutes restore all apps ( i used Astro File Manager Backup)
Step 6 run wifi tether .. had to reboot and reinstall WiFi Tehter... but now it is working great again !!!
Step 7 Thank the guys at XDA for this one....
Step 8 say it again today.. I am never going back to WinMo, this EVO ROCKS !!!
PPC: The Freakin EVO, nuff said...
If i have done something to help you, please thank me so i can thank them and they can thank you...