Re: Be careful when applying Phantomskinz on EVO!! - water damage sticker on the bott
First off sorry for your loses..atleast the phone still works. Do you have TEP on the phone with Sprint? If your within your 30 days I would add it, then a few months down the road if you feel like it, do a claim and get another Evo sent to you. TEP will cover everything including water damage.
Now with the screen protectors and body armors...your best bet it to lightly spray them with the soapy solution that came with it. Don't drench the protectors with the solution...only slightly wet it. I tend to stay away from those screen protectors since they use liquid as a adhearant to the phone...and the risk of water getting in or around the phone. I tend to find the good static ones that have the least amount of bubble issues, but thats just me. I hear way to many horror stories about how BB and these mall kiosks drench the phones and skins then apply without thinking of the customers phone and then the customer getting home and doing a Youtube video on how the screen is all wacked out or the indicators are now a solid red. It sucks...but hopefully your within your 30 days of purchasing your Evo and you can add the $7 TEP for the phone. Trust me it's worth the $7 and the deductable for the phone.