Originally Posted by winmonewbie
Hey that's awesome! Glad you got it.
Well now the hard part is done you can flash custom ROMS.
Why not give OMJ or Sprint Lovers a try? I know OMJ is rock solid and have heard some good things about Sprint Lovers.
Both ROM's are very Stock-esque with Sprint bloat removed.
And fyi-ANY of a users Thanks buttons are clickable...nomsayin'? 
I got you faded on that ^^^^ DONE!!
For now I'm just running the rooted version of stock 1.47....I thought saw that theres a way to manually remove the bloatware as long as youre fully rooted?? If not, I gotta take a break from the all this flashing/hacking/moding of my Evo for a few days...or maybe a few weeks!! LOL...I gotta catch up on alot of missed sleep!