Thread: Any regrets?
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Old 07-11-2010, 10:45 PM
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Re: Any regrets?

I'm waiting* for the Epic, the super amoled screen & the A8 processor will most likely give the device better battery life then the Evo. also, in all the hands-on videos of the Epic, the scrolling looked super smooth and the display looked amazing, especially the black levels. that doesn't mean it's a better phone than the evo though, both are great. if you want the option of using a keyboard, get the epic. no keyboard = evo. wait till the epic comes out and play around with it. buy the one you like the best.

*i have to wait till January to upgrade, that's the only reason i don't have an evo right now. now i must resist impulse buying the epic when it comes out this month.... sigh.

Last edited by ppcgpirate; 07-11-2010 at 10:55 PM.
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