*** Update 12-May-2008 ***
Version 20 with GPS/ Rev A.
This is based off the Sprint 3.02 leaked ROM and you must be using a 3.xxx radio and have the 2.31 bootloader.
This is basically the same as my other ROMS just based off newer Sprint build.
The keyboard is more like the Diamond and there is full quwerty option available.
HTML Code:
Windows Version
*6.1 Build 19208.1.0.1
CE OS Version
Esmertec JBed 0_0_20080222_3_1
Factory Boot Splash Screen ( Black with HTC Logo )
Fixed Issue with Location settings not turned back after reset.
Holux GPS Viewer
GPS Enabled
HTC Bluetooth Explorer
HTC Comm Manager Blue Icons
HTC Cube Blue Icons
HTC Home
HTC Keyboard
HTC Large Start menu
HTC Long endkey press
HTC Streaming Media Player
HTC Task Manager
HTC Touch keyboard
HTC Touch Calculator Skin
HTC Touch Media Player Skin
MS Voicecommand
Office OneNote
Remote Desktop
SMS Timestamp Fix Registry Entries
Sprint Voicemail
Windows Live Messenger
* Denotes changes from v19
Windows Changes
Removed SQM
Modified mx_ipnotify.vol to remove sqm alerts
black welcomehead.96.png ( windows boot splash )
disable error reporting
enable cleartype text
remove customer feedback
HTC Theme
Vista Theme
Vista Mirror (v20 Only)
HTC and Vista Theme
Here is a CAB to install the "Touch" keyboard and Dialer skins if you don't like the Vista skins from Polen.