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Old 07-10-2010, 10:07 PM
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Re: Camera Problem anyone else?

this is rdcrds son, anyway this is a gist of it.

The tint or something seems off, there is a hue/fuzziness to the picture. It almost looks at times like it's one of those cameras than can see "heat" some colors have a glow to them i guess... is a good word to use. I have tried 2 different roms and it does the same thing, i've wiped data and also wiped delvic as well, i also have reset to defaults in the camera. THE FRONT CAMERA works like it should, that's how i know there is an issue, the front camera is normal, the back camera is the one where it's "Weird".. Over on XDA i posted a pic i took with the camera

only thing left to try is... i am gonna unroot it, and go back to stock... i never checked the camera before i rooted it, so no idea if it happened out of the box or not >< I wish i knew...

And if i take it to best buy i dont want the geeksquad people saying 'oh you rooted it, you messed it up some how' heh ...

I put a invisible shield on it, if i am told it needs replaced. will best buy pay for the invisible full body i put on it? or am i SOL on that $35
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