This might not be for everyone...
It was about 4am last night when I came up with the idea, but I still think its a good one.

Remember it is highly overclocked, I first off take no responsibility for any damages (although Ive been running this way for months, with no ill effects). This also means a bit more battery drain since it is only doing sleep-2 instead of sleep-1. I have also added the apk files for Auto Memory Manager (my replacement for Advanced Task Killer) and Clocksync.
Its Froyo 2.2 Beta v1, overclocked to 787Mhz. Glossy Black theme, w/ grey highlights instead of orange, and white progress bars. Themed and overclocked for your pleasure.
Blazin fast.
This is what it looks like. (The taskbar only. This clock is part of "Beautiful Widgets").