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Old 07-10-2010, 03:40 PM
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Re: EVO Full Root & OTA ROOT|Recovery|Nand Backup/Restore|Flashing| for n00b's + Vide

Ok so...I ended up taking my phone & microusb to Sprint today...they swapped my cord...I drove home like a maniac...and apparently that was my problem!! If my cord wouldnt have crapped out on me halfway through...I guess I might have gotten it to work the first time! I restarted the process from the begining though just to be sure that my bad cord didnt botch any of the first few steps.

Thank you sooooooooo much for all your help!! If I could click the thank button I again I would but it only lets ya click once per post...

Now...Im running the rooted stock I need to figure out how to remove the Sprint bloatware that I dont use/want.
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