ok...not a post bashing the app. i am actually amazed by it the different variations of their disco lights. i bought the app last night because i was bored and had nothing better to do. this is where the beware part comes in. now we all know that flashing lights are not good for you after a while
so with that in mind, i was trying not to look at the LED light as i was setting the various disco lights settings to my messaging apps (1 type for each).
well...try as i may to pretend i don't see it blinking it's various colors...kinda hard to ignore even if you've convinced yourself you're just looking at the screen of the device. so after i got everything set....i suddenly felt a headache
what a bummer. liked watching the different colors go off too when i kept calling my phone. guess won't be doing that anymore!!..LOL. but other than that, it's worth the $6 eye candy to keep me busy when im bored