Originally Posted by Naytess
Hello everyone!
I'm brand new to this site and forums, and I'm already impressed with the wealth of information that is available here, as well as the respect that the users give each other. It's refreshing!
I recently found information here on how to tweak the Treo 700wx (Windows Mobile PPC 5.0) to be able to use Sprint's Picture mail service. Does anyone have information on how to do this with a Windows Mobile Smartphone device? Sprint is said to be releasing the Motorola Q on Sunday 1/14. One of the bigger drawbacks for me when entertaining the thought of switching to a PPC/Smartdevice - is the fact that Windows Mobile isn't compatible with Sprint Picture & Video Mail. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you! 
go with the ppc6700 or the 700WX. not having a touchscreen is a huge drawback.