Originally Posted by Wideawake
Super simple and you hit the nail on the head with adb.
Open cmd window.
CD to where adb is located with phone connected to pc (with debugging mode turned on).
Type adb pull /system c:/folder2dump2.
Hope this helps,
ok now i ran into a bigggg issue
I edited a .apk that i extracted then put back into a .apk file
but when i went to replace it on the phone, it errored out, and also deleted the original, so now i no longer have the htcClockWidget.apk installed on the phone, and when i try to put the original file i had backed up just incase someone went wrong or didn't work, the phone doesn't let me, i even tried signing it and it will not let me, Droid Explorer also crashes when i try to install it from it
any insight on how i can get my htc ClockWidget.apk back?