Originally Posted by guitardoc64
I was in fact just checking that thread out, the only issue being that I'm not andriod savy at all, (on my Touch Pro 2 right now) from what I'm reading, it sounds like I need to figure out aps to sd to do this rom... I mean it doesnt appear I can just flash and go, more like I'll have to completely wipe her Sd card install aps to sd, then flash the rom, not to mention they say You're suppose to wipe, then delvak (sp?) wipe, then flash... Got me head spinning a bit trying to figure out what all that means... From what I gather the regular wipe is pretty much a hard reset, and I have no idea of what the other wipe is.
I guess I'm looking for a good "plug and play" rom with at this point minimal time investment (not sure if I'll make the andriod leap at this point ) Can this rom be done with minimal time investment?