Originally Posted by vin255764
Oh,well,I cannot make a cabbed fix,but it will be fixed in new Pluto_Cookie with updated
-PACKAGE_OBOE_HTCAnimation (1_3_5_0)
-PACKAGE_OBOE_HTCScroll (2_0_20132227_00)
-PACKAGE_OBOE_Menu_Enhancement (1_1_20161427_00)
-PACKAGE_OBOE_Resource_Proxy (1_0_20151628_00)
-PACKAGE_OBOE_Shared_Modules (1_01_20153030_00)
-Fixed clocks second hand (the bug was in dinik_transparent_square clocks)
7.09.Pluto_co0kie dl link http://www.mobileunderground.info/vi...uto_Co0kie.rar
thanx vin. i only used data off so it was no big deal about com not working, you guys are so spoiled by vins roms.