so, i'm cruising through the blog Lifehacker, and i come across this link about Android on WinMo phones. no biggy, i've got a VZW TP2; i've got XDAndroid and Ubuntu on it, as well as Mr. X's fixing of the MR2 ROM. my first WinMo phone was the i910, and i like to keep it up-to-date in case something were to happen to my TP2. they gave a link for all the different Android builds for different WinMo phones, and i saw the one for the Omnia. the Omnia!
so, without further adieu, i present the link for Android on the Omnia i910. now, beware; this is a PRE-ALPHA build. in essence, this is going to be buggy beyond belief. i have no involvement in the project. i'm just spreading the good word.
figured i'd contribute something worthwhile if i'm signed up on these boards...
the link the matters
in case you have another phone