Originally Posted by TWO515TY
Has nothing to do with country size, it's just that people in other countries are willing to spend more on phones than Americans are. HTC is *just* now coming out with a phone with a front facing camera in the US, while phones in Europe and Japan have had them for years. That's just one small example (because it's the only one on the top of my head), but Europe and Japan are far ahead of us in terms of cell phone technology. Of course Apple, HTC, and Samsung are going to push stuff to us because we're a large market, but they adjust their products to suit the market. Boris is correct, we're probably the last to get the cool cutting edge stuff, usually because by the time we get it, it's at a price point that we will actually pay for it lol.
It does have alot to do with size IMO.
Easier to get adoption rates for 2 people than 2million people.
Plus herding 2 cows is easier in 1 direction than 2million & drives a lot of the adoption.
So while the rest of the world have better advancces than us, the companies are also much more likely to lose less on 2 than 2M pushing those ideas & products.
Yes -They have to 'dumb it down' for sure in the US because the bell curve has a wider swath of usage abilities & thus a lower average.
Also the pure wealth of indv Americans encourage for a greater market to sell to.
Yes America still matters. Ask the Chinese & the Koreans.
Irony though is that what does it says about the best selling smartphone in the world is basically the new 'dumbphone' for the 21st century?
& if you reference Sony, Nokia as best sellers outside of the US, ask investors how that's working out for those companies...to play catchup.
If your thesis is that the US doesn't get more technological featured smartphones because we are slower to adopt - then I think that's is false.
We don't get it because manufacturers are trying to sell the MOST phones to the MOST ppl.
America still drives the bottom line.
Cause we have the buying power of many nations put together in one spot.
Simple math vs risk/reward.
ps - don't think I am a homer please! LOL just trying to keep it purely economics & simple.