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Old 07-08-2010, 06:34 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

Originally Posted by xweaponx View Post
It seems the the majority of the discontent with the 30FPS cap yields from the gamer-inclined crowd. Understandable. I game too.

And why the comparison between Hero and EVO? HTC has acknowledged a correlation between the HDMI capability (of which the Hero does not have) and FPS cap on the EVO. Many act as if something was taken from them. I assume everyone who owns an EVO bought one under the impression that you knew what to expect, as stated, when you bought it. HTC nor Sprint never mentioned anything about a FPS sacrifice in order to deliver HDMI... and no one cared till someone want to play Call of Duty 4 on their EVO and wondered why it didn't look as good as a dedicated gaming console...

Maybe... just maybe we have spoiled ourselves with the resources/ability to over-tweak & push our devices beyond their stated expectations. We have done so for so long now that some no longer accept a handset release as-is without wondering why can it not do more and why our "innovations" were not implemented upon release.

You do remember that this is a phone, right? As long as there is a Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Telus, or Bell Mobility logo on it, it will always be a phone first. I am thankful just to have the ability to find, load & play simple games for keeping myself amused while the oil is changed in my car.

There is a reason I have a 360, PS3 and Wii...
nah, it's not just about the choppiness... I don't game much, but i still want it uncapped. The FPS cap also adds lag on touch screen input. The recent OTA update helped fix that on certain screens (like scrolling through apps), but it's still there in many places. You can't play many games because of this lag input, just try any free air hockey game to see how bad it is. If you compared the EVO to a Droid Incredible, you'll see how bad it is on the EVO. It just can't keep up with your finger. That's just an example and is not limited to gaming.

It's not a deal breaker for me, but I would rather have it uncapped than have hdmi out. BTW, i think the hdmi excuse is just that... an excuse. When I contacted Sprint, they told me it was to keep the device from overheating and prevent excessive battery drain. I'm sorry, but I don't see that problem with my other Sense UI Android device, the droid incredible.
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O

Last edited by lipidfats; 07-08-2010 at 06:37 PM.
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