Originally Posted by tbhausen
"Senior Member"... gee, thanks! I'm only 44. j/k
Yeah, I do know what j/k means
Thats double my age
Originally Posted by Stupid Vidiot
I installed NetFront played around with it some. I am not impressed. It looks like they released it half finished. It's clunky and lacks intuitiveness. The company recommends installing to the device for stability so there goes 5 mb! I was able to get some functionality (AJAX , etc...) that IE didn't provide which is nice if I absolutely need it on the go. The iphone scroll is cool along with the birdseye zooming feature, but to be honest I won't be using this very much. After reading this thread, my hopes soared, but fell far short of my expectations.
For now, PIE with PIE+ installed over it is the very best out there in WM5 browsers. It takes time to fully implement PIE+ functionality to the fullest ( it costs money). But after while, I became a power user. So that is my review and recommendation for now.
I have not signed up for the skyfire beta yet. I am still skeptical. I am waiting to hear from users who actually have it installed on their devices, for which I have seen zero posts so far.
Opera looks interesting to. It will be a hard sell to get me away from PIE+
Here is a link, since you don't appear to be much of a search guy.

- hah, just figured out you could do this one
The posts of people using them are on the last couple of pages
Originally Posted by sharpdude
I use it. I like it a lot. It is a bit faster than PIE but not by much. I actually have it stored on my SD and it still works like a charm. I really can't complain too much about it. I might just keep this one.
It is much faster than PIE for forum sites from my opinion. It is not that much faster than PIE for other things and can be a pain for news type sites (PIE will force them to load in one column, NetFront makes me scroll side by side.)
Additional Info, when typing in a text box the touch keyboard covers it up unless you place it at the top of the screen. Just a side note.
I work for Sprint, I don't speak for them. Moderator PhoneNews.com (Brandon Smith)
Remember to say

when someone helps you out.
Open thread without searching > waste server usage > waste energy > higher gas prices

Think about the economy the next time you feel the need to open a useless thread.

Think about it.