Originally Posted by flyers2114
number 2 is funny....bribing....the bigger the bribe the easier to take is the rule of thumb....plus you forgot to mention that Xbox is a great product and that is why it was successful...also Sony is not hurting by any means with the PS3 so I don't think they lost too many exclusives...lets remember MS is a big dog in this game also...they are not going to just lie down and let market share go without a fight...
Ok but once a company is already bribed its harder to get them to switch sides..not to mention put more financial burden where as before M$ would have needed to pay less..now they must beat Google's bribe + make it worth it for the company.
Not to mention the bribe is not in raw cash...they give the carriers and manufacturers a % of adwords and app store....There is no way bing search advertising is on par with adwords in revenue...and the manufacturer takes a bigger risk with an undeveloped app store...
And lastly, Verizon will not launch the WP7 phones due to the fiasco with the Kin...aka your going in with a new product and already the largest carrier doesn't want your product...AT&T will always be iphone oriented...so only one to push is Sprint..but hey, Sprint did wonders for Palm did it not? >.>
I'm not exactly saying M$ is doomed as in this title but the odds against them is REALLY BAD