Originally Posted by sparky1_2007
Hey guys, my phone died after about a year of ownership, it doesn't seem to charge, respond to hard reset, or anything.
Is there anything i can do to get this thing to work again? or am i SOL?
1st) Have you tried a fully charged battery? (If no power or locks continue down if not get one and try it)
2nd) is the white moisture indicators RED or Pink?..(If yes you have corrosion)
Open phone up and clean with alcohol and a small paint brush or take to a repair shop..
3) Have you noticed any screen or intermittent differences lately? (if yes you might need a new FLEX ribbon) They short out on the frame when they wear the coating off.. Replace the one that connects the 2 together.
4) Must have received a surge or power glitch lately (any storms lately)
5) Cracked or popped loose parts inside from dropping.. Repair..
6) Can you read and retrieve your data with a computer and Active Sync? (If so DO IT ASAP)
All else fails get another one and start replacing parts..or simple yet get another phone and save that one for parts if you get the same model. (cheap on ePay in mean ebay..)
Hope this helps ya..or send to my store and ILL fix ya up for a price but would not know till I check it out// Usually around 25 to 85 bucks plus parts