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Old 07-07-2010, 04:51 PM
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Re: So yeah now HTC admits the 30fps limit is software because of the HDMI port.

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
It doesn't bother seems it bothers you to the point that this phone isn't for you. Why reply? Because you remind me of someone who is never happy. Bitching about things isn't very productive now is it? Kinda like a disgruntled postal worker.

HAHA, I've done research and I am by far not illiterate when it comes to anything tech. Now, this 30fps cap isn't effective much at all. Games. That's about it. Your input lag you keep talking about is present in all phones. Hell, even my super duper custom home built bad ass stutters at times when accessing the HDD. This input lag, which I get every now and then only on first use of that particular app, has everything to do with how the evo accesses it's ROM to display the content. Nothing to do with frame rate. Most Movies, videos, etc. are all capped below 30 fps, especially HD content, so again, FPS isn't an issue.

Think of it this way, your EVO works the same way a PC does for the most part. SO when you access a file on your PC and it...lags...before it's opened, that's all on the HDD. Can't blame the vid card.
Some people have unrealistic expectations. Some people just plain enjoy complaining. It makes them feel good. I don't know why.

I live in Santa Monica, California. There are so many hipster douchbags complaining about everything, it's hysterical. According to them, every movie that makes over $10 at the box office sucks ass. Too funny!
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