Originally Posted by youngpro83
Ok so Im the type that if Ive been using something for so long and I have become used to using it. If I try something new that I think I like I will try to find a reason not to like it in order to revert back to what I have been using for so long. The no cookie is a good example. I actually love it, but I cant help install cookie. Isnt it better to have it cookied in? True enough it is very quick and responsive, but I love cookie. Why would 1 choose no cookie over cookie? Just curious?
Originally Posted by kirstein
Quick and smooth is good, but there just aren't enough quicklinks in Sence 2.5 without cookie. I end up filling 2 4x4 pages of links.
I keep it simple....don't really use the quick links and even have them hidden on the no_cookie version. To me it makes everything snappier. The only things I really miss are the toggle buttons, but it's no big loss.
I use to always have CHT installed, but after playing with Pluto no_cookie, I didn't really miss it (after a few cabs).