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Old 07-07-2010, 02:12 AM
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Re: HTC Touch Pro 2...4G capable???

Originally Posted by TWO515TY View Post
It's so sad that you told someone to google it, while obviously not having done so yourself.

There is not one single mention of the iPhone 4 being 4G capable. You'd think if it was, Apple would list it on their own website wouldn't they? AT&T's 4G network will use LTE, which the iPhone 4 does not support. It's still on 3G like the iPhones before it.

Edit: And the proper name is iPhone 4, not iPhone 4G. I can't find the link, but they specifically named it iPhone 4 and not iPhone 4G to avoid confusing people into thinking it has 4G capability when it does not.
I was actual in the process of editing my post prior to you making yours. I googled Iphone 4g and about 50% of the posts said it is 4G capable. Hence me editing my post. So calm down and change the tampon mam. You are on the internet, I know it IS serious buisness and all but lets try to tone it down a notch or two.

I was told that when the Iphone 4 was announced it was announced to be 4g (hence the marketing as being an Iphone like non before it), but from what I can tell, its just as big a P.O.S as every other Iphone on the Market.
Phone: hTc Evo 4g LTE
HBoot: 1.12.2222 (S-Off)
ROM: MeanROM v6.0 (OC @ 1.72 GHz)
Kernel: #Mean-v0.5.1728
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