Originally Posted by daddymikey1975
I do know that there IS one dev in particular working on sound alone (along w/ offering his 2 cents to answer questions and help the other devs when they're stuck.) and even in the chat logs the guy working on sound doesn't answer too many questions when he's asked how the sound is coming so he's being hush hush most likely to not incite a panic lol
The reason we don't hear much from the other devs is (my opinion here) is that here on PPCGeeks there may be too many haters. Too many ppl complaining that "this doesn't work" "that doesn't work" etc.
again, that's just my opinion.
I DO know that [ACL] is working on 3D graphics rendering so he IS on the Dev team (just not working on sound)
There were some interesting and welcoming achievements made this weekend on other fronts as well FWIW
Hopefully this helps
There is one other active dev doing sound? fantastic. if they get results before this slow outsourcing thing does I'd like to entice him with offering him the bounty on completion. Doesn't look like there's gonna be a android handset with a sliding keyboard/tilting screen anytime in the near future... the Samsung Epic 4g... looks like it might be close (no tilt) but if it's keyboard is like the moment's. (pure crap) i'm gonna have to wait for HTC or stick to my rhodium