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Old 07-06-2010, 10:50 PM
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Re: Screen protector buyer beware

ugh, that's crummy. (to say the least)

As opposed to the sprint ones, I've had a great experience with the zagg invisible shield and knock-off products (specifically, bestskinsever...same product, 1/3 the cost, just no lifetime warranty)

I had applied a bestskinsever screen protector and ended up getting some dust spots underneath it. I emailed their CS fishing for a discount code if i bought another one, and they mailed me out a new one, gratis.

When the time came to pull off my old one, it came off fine...took some picking and whatnot before it started to come up, and when it did, I had to pull fairly hard, but it came off w/o any residue or anything like that. These are cool because from my experience, they really don't get nicks or scratches, as such and they seem to last forever.
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