Originally Posted by view9234
Just to clarify, I didn't see Internet Sharing included in the apps. Is it there & just not listed? Does the main screen have animated weather? Do you give the ability to disconnect data when not running? (I only ask because it seems, for some reason, that most of the ROMs during the past 6 months have inexplicably left the data to 'always on' and it's not a customizable setting).
Can someone show pics of the main screen? I'm definitely interested, but want to make sure it will fit my needs first
Internet & WiFi Sharing are both included, at least in 23541, and should work.
Main screen does have animated weather, but can't show since the home screens on both my phones are "overwritten" with either Co0kie or MaxSense. Maybe someone else can show this; whoever is running the straight ROM?
Data can be disconnected manually, via CommManager, per usual. Actually, I like the app BandSwitch that you can set to automatically disconnect your data after a specified period of time, if it has not been used during that time.