Is there any way to rmeove the battery gagues that are in the title bar? I would like to have the SPB close avaiable for use in the upper right of the title bar. However with all the battery gagues it seems like it will not allow me to have it running. The three I see are as follows, Vista gradient across the top, then the digital one with percentage above the battery shape, and then the orignal four bar battery thing.
I know this is not directly related to this ROM, so I did set a seperate thread regarding this. However, seeing as it does happen in this ROM thought you might know how to change it.
Other than that I have really enjoyed this ROM.
Eidted portion:
Ok well I at least figured part of this out on my own.
The digital type one in the upper right was the quick menu battery indicator. So with that disabled the SPB works correctly now.
So now, is there anyway to remove the standard battery gauge from the title bar?
Last edited by mikelsbid; 02-13-2008 at 01:44 PM.