Originally Posted by bobbyblack
I Just went thru that with my phone... Calling Sprint and HTC, reflash to stock ROM. Stiil no go, but it's not the ROM ( At least I don't think so as of now) But I did figure it out how to get it to work. After I left the Sprint repair store ( there giving me a new phone ) But if you turn on your WIFI it'll find the exact loction and the city you load. But to update them you have to have WIFI on. Or you can change your radio.
Not exactly what I meant. To clarify, "My Location" works fine with or without WiFi. When I try to type in another location on either my clock or weather tab, no matter what I type it says "no matches found" I know this data comes from a database, so I wonder if this database is empty or not included in 7/3 Pluto. Anyone else in 7/3 pluto who can tell me if they can type in locations in the home tab clock or weather tab?