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Old 07-06-2010, 03:43 PM
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Re: Any way to remove Goole Talk?

If you unchecked auto sign in and and signed out its not actually running. It just shows up because its being used to control your gmail email downloads. Anytime you get email pushed there is a tool doing it. It just so happens that tool is connected to Gtalk. So no there isnt any extra battery being used and its really not on. It just shows up because its working with your email. So yes email is eating battery and no Gtalk is not.

Somethings in this phone can not be removed because they are to integrated with other apps. Hope all that makes sense? By the way I am just theorising here, its a good one though lol. I have great battery life I use Gmail and dont use Gtalk. Running services and ATK have to many people paranoid lol. ATK is not something I would use I never wanted it but I got it with a rom and used it once. I dont feel that there is a need for this. If you have your phone properly set up nothing should be running that inst supposed to so there for your phone should be optimized. If you open something and are done with it sign out if possible. Well we dont need to get into all that its all been discussed already. I have had 2 evos now and had no battery issue yet so I am just concerned with what all you guys are so worried about. It does die quicker then my TP2 but it seems like the newer the smart phone the quicker the battery drain lol.

I use my phone for about 20-50 text, 10 emails, few random searches, maybe 30 minuts of browsing, about 3 hours of playing with settings probably longer, still messing with customizing the phone, about 10 2 minute calles and about 5 15 minut or longer calls. Id say that summes up my week use. On the weekend you can double that probably and add in listening to pandora for a few hours. Not sure if that is light or moderate use but I never have a dead phone. I have my gmail synced every 5 minuts. Yeah I know I am not getting many emails. But I want them now and at the end of the day I still have about 1/3 battery level. On the weekend I cut it close sometimes. Also I am using this phone on 15 hours days on average. I always charge before I go to bed and pull it off shortly after I wake up.

Last edited by twilk; 07-06-2010 at 03:55 PM.
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