Originally Posted by Miami_Son
You shouldn't sell phones with your SIM card in them. They identify your account to the network and allow the person who has them to use your service, which you will be billed for. If you're changing carriers then remove the SIMs and destroy them. Giving them to someone else could make you liable for charges. The only thing you can clear off them is your personal info like Contact data. They will still be identifiable as far as your account is concerned.
there shouldn't be any account info on the sim cards his phone came with. he is using sprint...so any sim cards that came with his phone is not activated to begin with. the sim card in sprint phones wouldn't come with any account info...unless the subscriber activates it because he's gonna use it for international use. but other than that, there isn't really any info he needs to be worried about. unless he saved his contacts to the sim. so with the sprint sims turned off, there's no account that is identified with it.